Yaoundé: Pastoral Visit of the General Superior in the District of Central Africa: End of Stage 2
Thursday, November 3, 2016: Lomié-Yaoundé…
The Superior had to face this Thursday, November 3, nearly 9 hours on the road by car, first on the forest track from Lomié to Abong MBang and then on asphalt road from Abong MBang to Yaoundé. We stopped at Abong Bang to meet Bishop Ozga, Bishop of Doume- Abong MBang, who wished to meet the general Superior. Our arrival in Yaoundé coincided with the traffic jam due to school and offices closing time, such traffic jam is common in many of our African cities… As soon as we got into the community, the Superior was informed through email the sad news of the death of his niece Rihanna, aged 30 and mother of two children. It was a sad ending of a day already physically demanding, but everything is grace to whoever knows how to be loved by the Lord. Our prayers are with the family and the deceased… » Read more