Dear Brothers and Lasallians, 

I write to share with you the sudden and sad news on the demise of Br Daniel Carlin who was found unresponsive in his room this morning, 31st August, 2023. As you may know Br Daniel is from Ireland and was working in the Sector of Ethiopia, serving as the principal of St Joseph school in Addis Ababa. Currently schools are on recess until mid-September.

We indeed condole with the Sector of Ethiopia and the District of Great Britain, Ireland and Malta on the loss of such a great missionary from your District, who has served our District in various capacities in different ministries for many years including De La Salle Center and Christ the Teacher Institute in Nairobi. 

Kindly pray for his good soul and for consolation of his loved ones. 

May the soul of Br Daniel Carlin, and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace!


Br Betre Fisseha, FSC


Lwanga District of Africa


La Région Lasallienne d’Afrique (RELAF) est un organe de coordination et de collaboration de l’Institut des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes en Afrique et Madagascar. À cet effet, la RELAF rassemble toutes les provinces (Districts) et la Délégation de l’Institut reparties à travers le continent africain.

Voué à l’éducation et à la formation des jeunes, l’Institut des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes est aujourd’hui présent dans 22 pays africains (Afrique du Sud, Bénin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Congo Kinshasa, Egypte, Ethiopie, Erythrée, Guinée Conakry, Guinée Equatoriale, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Soudan, Soudan du Sud, Tchad, Togo et Ghana). En outre, ce site web vous offre également des informations sur l’Institut des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes ainsi que nos différentes institutions scolaires et universitaires, des nouvelles récentes des différents Districts et de la Délégation dans la Région.

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