‘Le juste, même s’il meurt avant l’âge, trouve le repos. La vieillesse honorable n ‘est pas celle que donnent de longs jours, elle ne se mesure pas au nombre des années […]’.

(Sg 4 :7-15)

Le Frère Pie NSUKULA BAVINGIDI, Visiteur des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes du District du Congo-Kinshasa, a la profonde douleur d’annoncer à toute la Famille Lasallienne le retour au Père du cher Frère Robert KIPHAKU NSASI, décédé ce vendredi 02 février 2024 à Kinshasa à l’âge de 55 ans, des suites d’une maladie.


1. Du vendredi 09 au dimanche 11 février 2024

– 19h.00 : Vêpres (0ffice des défunts dans toutes les communautés des Frères)

2. Lundi 12 février 2024

18h.00: Messe à l’Université La Salle au Congo-Kinshasa, sise avenue Benseke, 01 bis (Référence derrière Station Ma campagne, Kintambo, voir route Benseke).

Veillée mortuaire jusqu’à l’aube.

3. Mardi 13 février 2024

– 8h.00 : Levée du corps de la morgue de l’Hôpital du Cinquantenaire pour

L’Université La Salle au Congo-Kinshasa (Derière Station Ma campagne/Kintambo)

8h.30 : Recueillement, témoignages, dépôt des gerbes de fleurs

11h.00: Messe

– Mot de la famille

Oraison funèbre, par le Cher Frère Visiteur Provncial

-Absoutes, inhumation au cimetière des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes, bain de consolation

Oue par la miséricorde de Dieu, l’âme du Cher Frère Robert repose en paix. Amen.

NB : Tout se passera à l’Université La Salle au Congo-Kinshasa/ULCK (Derière Station Ma campagne).

Fait à Kinshasa, ce 05 février 2024


The just man, even if he dies before his time, finds rest. An honourable old age is not one of long days; it is not measured by the number of years […]’.

(Wis 4:7-15)

Brother Pie NSUKULA BAVINGIDI, Visitor of the Brothers of the Christian Schools of the District of Congo-Kinshasa, has the deep sorrow of announcing to the whole Lasallian Family the return to the Father of dear Brother Robert KIPHAKU NSASI, who died this Friday 02 February 2024 in Kinshasa at the age of 55, as a result of illness.


1. From Friday 09 to Sunday 11 February 2024

19h.00 : Vespers (0ffice of the Dead in all the Brothers’ communities)

2. Monday 12th February 2024

18h.00: Mass at La Salle University in Congo-Kinshasa, avenue Benseke, 01 bis (Reference behind Station Ma campagne, Kintambo, see route Benseke).

– Vigil until sunrise.

3. Tuesday 13 February 2024

– 8h.00 : Removal of the body from the Cinquantenaire Hospital mortuary to

La Salle University in Congo-Kinshasa (Derière Station Ma campagne/Kintambo)

8h.30 : Commemoration, testimonies, placing of floral flowers

– 11am: Mass

– Word from the family

Funeral oration by Dear Brother Visitor Provncial

-Absolution, burial in the cemetery of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, consolation bath

May the soul of dear Brother Robert KIPHAKU NSASI rest in peace. Amen.

NB: Everything will take place at La Salle University in Congo-Kinshasa/ULCK (Derière Station Ma campagne).

Done at Kinshasa, this 5th day of February 2024


Dear Brothers and Lasallians, 

I write to share with you the sudden and sad news on the demise of Br Daniel Carlin who was found unresponsive in his room this morning, 31st August, 2023. As you may know Br Daniel is from Ireland and was working in the Sector of Ethiopia, serving as the principal of St Joseph school in Addis Ababa. Currently schools are on recess until mid-September.

We indeed condole with the Sector of Ethiopia and the District of Great Britain, Ireland and Malta on the loss of such a great missionary from your District, who has served our District in various capacities in different ministries for many years including De La Salle Center and Christ the Teacher Institute in Nairobi. 

Kindly pray for his good soul and for consolation of his loved ones. 

May the soul of Br Daniel Carlin, and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace!


Br Betre Fisseha, FSC


Lwanga District of Africa

7th Regional Assembly

Dear members of the Lasallian family,

It is with great pleasure that we announce the Regional Assembly of the Lasallian Region of Africa (RELAF). This Assembly, the seventh of its kind, will be held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, from April 2 to 5, 2023.

The participants in this Assembly are the Brother Visitors, Brother President, Brother Auxiliary Visitor, Brother Sector Coordinators, Brother Directors of formation houses and Higher Institutions, delegates of our Districts and Delegation, Presidents of Commissions, members representing the Young Brothers, Young Lasallians and CIAMEL. Over three days, they will reflect on the life of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in the countries that makes up RELAF, and then lay out the pathways for the next seven years in the light of the 46th General Chapter.

We invite you to join us in prayer so that through the Holy Spirit we may build new paths that transform lives. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, Blessed Brother Raphael-Louis Rafiringa and all the Saints and Blessed of the Institute intercede for us.

Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!

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