Nairobi: Habit taking at the Noviciate

“Dear novices, thank you for surrendering and saying yes to Jesus.” These were the words of Brother Visitor, to the novices during the Eucharistic celebration at De La Salle International Novitiate in Nairobi to mark the start of canonical year for the six first year novices and the habit taking of the five second year novices on 31st January, 2017. » Read more


During 2019, the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and the Lasallian Family will celebrate the 300th anniversary of the death of their founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, Patron Saint of Teachers. The Institute has designated 2019 as the Year of Lasallian Vocations. Throughout Italy and around the world, events and celebrations are being planned to honor our common heritage of providing a human and Christian education to the young and the poor and to promote the vocation of the educational ministry.  On March 1, 2017 a video will be released announcing the celebration and the chosen logo for the year. » Read more

South Africa: Last day of the pastoral visit of the general Superior in the District of Charles Lwanga

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

This Wednesday was the last day of the general Superior’s visit in South Africa. His day started with a telephone conversation at 7.30 am… It was an interview with the Catholic Radio Veritas, more precisely with its director and founder, a Dominican Father. The questions asked were of a general nature: who he is, what his congregation is, the vocations in the Institute… » Read more

South Africa: Pastoral visit of the general Superior in the District of Charles Lwanga

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

This Tuesday, January 24, De La Salle Holy Cross College of Victory Park was in the general Superior’s program. As its name indicates, this educational work was founded in 1986 out of the willingness of the Holy Cross Sisters, founded by Mother Bernarda Heimgartner, and the Brothers of the Christian Schools, founded by John Baptist de La Salle, to carry out a common educational work. The school has 900 students and an education team of more than 100 people. It is established on a vast and beautiful area, with in its center, a huge and beautiful church… » Read more

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