South Africa: pastoral visit of the general Superior in the District of Charles Lwanga

Monday, January 23, 2017

This second day of the pastoral visit of the Superior has been devoted to La Salle Discovery College of Johannesburg. La Salle Discovery College was founded in 1966. Its motto “Pro Deo et Patria” is accompanied by this other indicated at the entrance: “Enter to grow and leave to serve”. It has 318 students from primary to secondary school with a very high diversity of origins reflecting the image of South African population… » Read more

South Africa: Pastoral visit of the general Superior in the District of Charles Lwanga

Saturday, January 21, 2017

The General Superior, Brother Robert Schieler, resumed his pastoral visit in the RELAF this Saturday, January 21, 2017. He started with the oldest sector of Lwanga District, that is, South Africa where the Brothers arrived in 1904. Accompanied by Brother Thomas SHEEHY, the sector coordinator, and staff members from De La Salle Holy Cross College and also from Junior School De La Salle Discovery, he went to Phokeng in the community of “Tsholofelo”. The community of hope, that’s what “Tsholofelo” means, is a diocesan community founded in 1992 under the hospices of Rustenburg Bishop. » Read more

Nairobi: Lasallian Formation Seminar in the District of Lwanga

Brothers and Lasallian Associates of Lwanga District of Africa took part in a one week formation program which was held at Rosa Mystica Center in Nairobi, Kenya from 21st to 26th August 2016.

The meeting brought together participants from Sectors of Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and South Africa. There were no participants from Eritrea due to political situation and the state of affairs of that country. » Read more

Lasallian Volunteers Celebration Campaign

Dear Lasallians,

You know that our concern for the education and salvation of the most disadvantaged and marginalized youth originated in the concern that Saint John-Baptist de La Salle had for the fate of the children of the artisans and the poor of Reims. Service is a central aspect of our Lasallian identity, and particularly so for us young people.

Thousands of Lasallian volunteers worldwide, locally and abroad, take matters into their hands and work tirelessly for a better education for the vulnerable youth. They generously give their time, their energy and their resources in order to build a better world, and the Lasallian Educational Mission owes them a lot for their dedication. » Read more

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