Antananarivo: End of the pastoral visit of the general Superior in the District of Antananarivo

Thursday, November 17, 2016: Antananarivo (last day)

The general Superior, accompanied by the general Councillor and the Visitor visited Archbishop Odon Marie Arsène Razanakolona (this Malagasy name means “son of man”) to thank him for his support to the Brothers and to say goodbye. The next visit was paid to Lycée Saint Joseph of Andohalo, one of the Brothers’ first schools in which Blessed Louis Rafiringa lived and worked. Three Brothers are found in the Community. Today, it only has 170 students… The number of students is dropping off. According to Br Eric, the school Principal, during the school assembly, there is willingness among the educator team and the students’ parents – former students, to work toward a rise in the number of students. » Read more

Madagascar: Pastoral Visit of the general Superior in the District of Antananarivo: November 15-16

Tuesday, November 15, 2016: Closing Celebration of the 150 years’ celebration of Brothers’ presence in Madagascar in Lycée Stella Maris of Toamasina.

Toamasina, the most important seaport of Madagascar saw the arrival of the first three French Brothers heading to Antananarivo in 1866. It is only in 1962 that Lycée Stella Maris in Toamasina was founded. Ever since its foundation, many Brothers and lay teachers have dedicated themselves body and soul to the service of children and young people. The closing celebration of the 150 years of Brothers’ presence was for the Lycée Stella Maris a beautiful opportunity to honour its educators. The Grand Chancellor, Bishop Désiré Tsarahazana, Archbishop of Toamasina, granted during this celebration, 19 medals of merit and 5 medals of officer to teachers of Lycée Stella Maris. » Read more

Madagascar:Pastoral Visit of the general Superior in the District of Antananarivo

Monday, November14: Visit in Lycée Stella Maris of Toamasina

Our Flight from Antananarivo to Toamasina lasted only 35 minutes. A reception committee led us straight to the airport lounge where a member of the students’ parents association, a Physics and Chemistry teacher in the school and BR Jean Noël, Director of the biggest Catholic High School of Madagascar were waiting for us. Stella Maris has 3000 students and 150 teachers. It gets almost every year the best results in the country official examinations. A traditional loincloth was wrapped around the general Superior’s waist and a hat was offered to him by the hostesses… » Read more

Madagascar: Pastoral Visit of the general Superior in the District of Antananarivo

Sunday, November 13, 2016: Closing celebration of Brothers’ 150 years presence

On Saturday, November 12, in the context of the closing celebration of the 150 years of the Brothers of the Christian Schools’ presence in Madagascar, the finals sport competitions between students of different Lasallian Schools took place… It is however the Eucharistic Celebration on Sunday, November 13, that truly made up the summit of this celebration. It lasted three and a half hours, from 9:00 am to 12: 30 pm, on Soavimbahoaka hill around Blessed Br Louis Rafiringa’s shrine. The hill, flanked by flags (the colours of Vatican, of the Institute and of the country…) slamming in the wind, and crossed over by a crowd of people (religious, singers, students, members of the various movements and associations) with varied attires, attracted the eyes from afar. It was sparing no rest to foreign eyes pushed to browse it with the gaze from endless discovery… » Read more

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