Nairobi: CTIE Graduation Ceremony

At Saturday’s graduation, fourteen graduates received a diploma, jointly offered from Tangaza University College and Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, while nineteen received a B.A. from Saint Mary’s. It was a beautiful celebration, beginning with an inspiring liturgy then followed by a well-organized, lively commencement ceremony.
In his address to the graduates, Brother Paulos Welday, FSC, Director, expressed, “The theme you chose for the Class of 2011-2015 four years ago was ‘Empowered to Empower.’Your choice of this powerful theme shows that, right from the beginning, you understood the meaning and power of education. Yes, education is power! Fortunately, now you have this power in your hands. As you already envisioned four years ago, we have no doubt that you will use this wonderful power you have acquired to empower the powerless, particularly those children in economically and socially marginalized communities.”
Dr. Rebecca Hopkins represented Brother William Mann, traveling 24 hours from Minnesota to preside at the graduation. In her address to the graduates, she said, “Throughout your educational journey, you have completed many assignments, passed difficult exams, thought critically, and re-flected. Beyond the academic award and the grades, however, what have you learned about yourself in the process? How have you changed and grown, perhaps in ways that cannot be measured by a grade? I would propose that you have grown in three important ways: knowing yourself, authentically knowing others, and developing a critical voice.
Source: CTIE Happenings