On Monday 13 September 2021, Brother Superior General Robert SCHIELER, has appointed Brother Jean Bosco BIGIRIMANA as President of the Delegation of Rwanda, for a third term of three years, running from 11 December 2021 to 10 December 2024.
Born on 15 November 1973, Brother Jean Bosco made his first vows on 15 June 2002, then his perpetual vows on 3 October 2009. He has held several positions of responsibility in his Delegation, among others, as Prefect of Discipline and teacher of French and Religion. He was also Director of TTC De La Salle in Byumba. Brother BIGIRIMANA was appointed for a first term from 2015 to 2018, then for a second term from 2018 to 2021.
Our congratulations and encouragement to Brother President Jean Bosco BIGIRIMANA, for this third term at the head of the Delegation of Rwanda.


« Me voici Seigneur, je viens faire ta volonté »

Le 12 juin 2021 au Noviciat Notre Dame de Grâces à Bobo-Dioulasso, 19 jeunes de la RELAF ont dit OUI au Seigneur, à travers l’émission des premiers vœux. Au-delà de la RELAF, c’est tout l’Institut des Frères des Écoles Chrétiennes, si non, le monde lasallien qui est en fête, en action de grâce à Dieu pour ces jeunes Frères qu’il appel à le servir. Bienvenu à vous, chers Frères, et que Dieu continue de fortifier vos pas à la suite de son Fils, pour sa plus grande gloire et le salut de l’humanité.

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