Nairobi: CTIE Graduation Ceremony

At Saturday’s graduation, fourteen graduates received a diploma, jointly offered from Tangaza University College and Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, while nineteen received a B.A. from Saint Mary’s. It was a beautiful celebration, beginning with an inspiring liturgy  then followed by a well-organized, lively commencement ceremony.
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Nairobi: CTIE Graduation Ceremony

At Saturday’s graduation, fourteen graduates received a diploma, jointly offered from Tangaza University College and Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, while nineteen received a B.A. from Saint Mary’s. It was a beautiful celebration, beginning with an inspiring liturgy  then followed by a well-organized, lively commencement ceremony.
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Secteur du Nigéria: Profession perpétuelle du Frère Lucky Maria

Appelez-cela une coïncidence, le hasard ou même le mariage d’événements, l’esprit lasallien l’appelle la Divine Providence. La profession perpétuelle du Frère Lucky Maria Oseghale, du 17 Janvier 2015, est venu exactement 50 ans après la profession  perpétuelle du premier Frère de La Salle nigérian (mais pas dans le même mois). Les Frères missionnaires canadiens sont venus au Nigeria vers 1956 et en 1965, le Frère Uba Anselme a finalement été profès dans le même diocèse d’Ondo où le Frère de Lucky Maria a aussi professé. » Read more

Sector of Nigeria: Final Vows of Brother Lucky Maria

Call it coincidence, chance or even marriage of events, the Lasallian spirit calls it Divine Providence. The final profession of Vows ceremony of Br Lucky Maria Oseghale on the 17th January 2015 came exactly 50 years after the final profession of the first Nigerian De La Salle Brother (though not same month).The Canadian Missionary Brothers came to Nigeria around 1956 and in 1965 Br Uba Anslem was finally professed in the same Ondo Diocese where Brother Lucky Maria was professed. » Read more

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