Abidjan: French Parliamentarians’ Visit to Akwaba Center

On Wednesday 28 September 2016, the children of De La Salle Children’s Home/Akwaba Center received the visit of a delegation of French parliamentarians. Accompanied by two staff members of the Embassy of France, the delegation arrived at 15:45 min. They were welcomed by four (04) children from the Center.

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Young Lasallian Campain: “Friends among Friends for the Kids”

Young Lasallians from Mwangaza College in Nakuru made a visit to a children’s home with the aim of putting a smile on the faces of the children at the orphanage. The visit was under the campaign “Friends among Friends for the Kids.” The Arap Moi children’s home is named after the second president of Kenya, Daniel Arap Moi. It is located in Nakuru in the East African rift valley and caters for the whole region. Many of the kids in this home had found themselves displaced as a result of the 2007-2008 post-election skirmishes which rocked Kenya following the hotly contested general election.

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Rwanda: Pastoral Visit of the general Superior Article 2

Friday 21 October 2016: Kirenge nursery School Inauguration.

On Friday morning, October 21, a Lasallian school located in a village called Kirenge, was on celebration… It received the visit of Brother general Superior on the occasion of the nursery school inauguration… A warm morning welcome awaited the general Superior. A welcome offered by a double hedge of students singing and dancing at the entrance of their school. At 7 pm, a lively and beautiful Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Bishop Servilien, Bishop of the Diocese of Byumba, allowed the students to give glory to God with songs and beautifully presented dances … In his homily in the local language, the Bishop, very comfortable with the students, called upon them to ask themselves the group of students they belong to: Those who know what they should do and do it, those who know but whom you often need to keep on reminding so that they do it and finally those who know what their duty is but do not do it  despite the reminders. » Read more

Abidjan: ULaSalle Committee Meeting

The committee for the creation of an African Lasallian University (ULaSalle) met in the Regional House from July 17 to 18, 2016. Seven Brothers including the members of the Regional Team took part in the meeting whose main purpose was to reflect on the implementation of the proposal 14 of the strategic Plan 2016-2021 RELAF. “Expanding the existing network of higher education institutions by creating a Lasallian university in the Region.”

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