Kenya: First Profession of vows

 “Never stop praying my dear Brothers,” this was the word of encouragement from Bro. Ghebreyesus the Visitor of Lwanga District of Africa during the first profession of vows of the three Novice Brothers. The event took place on Saturday July 9th 2016 at De La Salle International Novitiate, Nairobi Kenya. The newly professed Brothers are Samuel Onyango, Titus Yinaga, and Rezene Endale of Kenya, Nigeria and Ethiopia respectively. The vows were received by Bro. Ghebreyesus, Visitor of Lwanga District of Africa.

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The Formal Opening of St. La Salle School Karemeno

“My dear Students, make good use of holistic education you are receiving from the Brothers, It is your passport in life” This was the message of Bro. Gabriel Griffin, the Auxiliary Visitor of the Lwanga District of Africa during the formal opening of St. La Salle School Karemeno, in central Kenya on 2nd July 2016. » Read more

Day of Consecrated Life

Saturday, June 11, 2016, the religious / Religious of Good Shepherd Parish Riviera III completed the closing of the pastoral year 2015-2016 at the Marianist Brothers community. The Mass said on that occasion after the rosary, was presided by Father Ambrose Manda, “Good Shepherd” Parish priest. On this feast of the Apostle Barnabas, the liturgical texts proved in turn, the personality of Barnabas, “man filled with the Holy Spirit and Faith”,  brave companion of Paul that helped the latter to strengthen the faith of the people of Antioch in the first reading and sending on mission of the disciples in the Gospel. » Read more

Abidjan: End of Academic year at CELAF Institute.

From Wednesday 11 to Friday 13 May, Students of the CELAF Institute in Abidjan celebrated the end of the academic year 2015-2016 and the Feast of the Holy Founder, Saint John Baptist de la Salle, and Patron of all Educators. Several activities have occupied these days of celebration: football and basketball games, play and songs, the Students’ General Assembly, “Questions for a champion” and the closing Mass followed by a fraternal sharing. » Read more

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